Олимпиадные задания для 4 класса по предмету Английский язык. Задания для 4 класса по английскому

Олимпиадные задания для 4 класса по английскому языку

Олимпиада по английскому языку, 4 класс

  1. Use of English (12 min)(Лексика, грамматика)

1.Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Подчеркните его.

a)cabbage, carrot, potato, ham, tomato, onion.

b)teeth, tenth, twentieth, sixth, seventh, first.

c)bear, fox, parrot, hare, tiger, elephant.

d)write, read, run, get, nice, count.

e)mouth, eye, ear, town, toe, foot.

2.Выберите нужное слово. Подчеркните его.

a)Dogs like / likes meat.

b)I have got many/ much friends.

c)Do/ Does you drink milk every day?

d)Is/ Are you a student?

e)We don’t/ doesn’t go to school on Sunday.

3.Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее время. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1)Yesterday the children _____football in the yard

a) played b) play c) will play

2)I don’t _____milk in the evening

a) drink b) drank c) drinks

3)My brother _____to school everyday

a) go b) goes c) will go

4)Our family _____to London next year

a) will go b)went c) goes

5)Tomorrow she _____her grandmother

a) visit b) visits c) will visit

  1. Reading/Чтение

Tom is eleven years old. He lives in a small village and goes to school there. There are thirty-one students in his class: seventeen boys and fourteen girls. He likes his class.

He’s got three pets: a dog, a cat and a hamster. The dog’s name is Rex. He is six years old. He is beautiful. His eyes are brown and his fur is black and white. He is a very friendly dog.

Tom’s cat is called Susie. She’s got green eyes and grey fur. She’s very friendly, too. She is younger than Rex, she is only two years old. She is clean and clever.

The hamster’s name is Max. He has got small black eyes and orange fur. He is very funny.

1. How many students are there in Tom’s class?

2. Which pet has got black eyes?

A) a dog

B) a cat

C) a hamster

D) a dog and a cat

3. What colour is Susie’s fur?

A) black and white

B) white

C) orange

D) grey

4. Does Tome like his class?

A) No, he does.

B) Yes, he does.

C) Yes, he doesn’t.

D) No, he doesn’t.

5. Which sentences are true? (Какие предложения верные?)

A) The dog is 7 years old.

B) Tom goes to school in a village.

C) Tom doesn’t live in the city.

D) Tom’s cat isn’t called Max.

  1. Writing.

Умеешь ли ты писать по-английски? Заполни анкету о себе.

1.Name ______________________________________________

2.Surname ______________________________________

3.Home address ______________________________________

4.Date of birth ____________________________________

5.Family _____________________________________________

6.Favorite subjects_____________________________________

7.What are your hobbies?__________________________

8.Favorite sports___________________________________

9.Do you have any pets?___________________________

  1. Listening (5 minutes) 4 класс

Listen to Jay talking to a friend about a holiday he went on with his family.

For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C). The first has been done for

you. You will hear the conversation twice.


0. Jay came back from holiday on

A. Friday.

B. Saturday.

C. Sunday.

1. The hotel Jay stayed in was

A. in a city center.

B. near the sea.

C. in the mountains.

2. Jay often spent his time

A. playing tennis.

B. swimming.

C. playing golf.

3. Jay’s room had

A. a computer.

B. a fridge.

C. a television.

4. Jay ate a lot of

A. pasta.

B. fish.

C. salads.

5. Jay’s parents thought the hotel was

A. too expensive.

B. very comfortable.

C. too noisy.


Олимпиадные задания для 4 класса по предмету Английский язык

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

«Кочёвская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

с. Кочёво Пермский край

Задания для Олимпиады по предмету «Английский язык»

4 класс


Мелехина Людмила Витальевна,

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Кочёвская СОШ»

2016 год



Задание №1. (12 баллов) Прочитай текст и выполни задания (1 - 12).

Mike and His Friends

Mike is my friend. He is 10 years old. He has many friends, they are animals. He likes animals very much and he has many pets at home. Mike has 2 cats: a black cat and a white cat and three kittens. They all live in a big box. The box is near the door.

They like to eat milk and fish. The black cat`s name is Dolly. Dolly is a big, kind and clever animal. In the morning Dolly awakes Mike. It sits near Mike`s bed and mews. Mike gets up and goes to school. He comes home from school at 2 o`clock. And in the afternoon he goes to the park to play with his cats. They run and play with a ball. The ball is red.

Mike is happy to have good friends.

Отметь знаком «+» предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста, а знаком «- » неверные.

  1. Mike is ten.

  2. He has no friends.

  3. Mike has three cats.

  4. Cats like to eat meat.

  5. In the afternoon he goes to the park with his cats.

  6. Mikes awakes Dolly in the morning.

Найди ошибки в предложениях. Перепиши предложения, исправляя их.

  1. Mike am my friend.

  2. He have many pets at home.

  3. They like eat milk and fish.

  4. The black cat`s name are Dolly.

  5. He comes home school at 2 o`clock.

  6. They run and play ball.

Задание №2. (5 баллов) Прочитай тексты (13 – 17) и заглавия к ним (a – f). Установи соответствия между текстами и заглавиями. При этом одно заглавие лишнее.




  1. Elephant

  2. Tiger

  3. Dog

  1. It is very big. It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, bananas and carrots. It drinks water. It likes milk. It is grey. Wу сan see this animal in the zoo.

  2. It is small. It lives in houses and in the forest. It eats corn, bread, apples. It likes cheese. It has a long tail.

  3. It is very funny. It lives in Africa and India. It is brown, grey or black. It likes fruit. It jumps in the trees. We can seу this animal in the zoo.

  4. It is very soft. It lives in the house. It is white, black, red, grey or brown. It can run, jump and climb. It cannot fly. It likes fish, meat and milk.

  5. It can be big or small. It can run, jump, swim. It likes meat and bones. It is a good friend.


Задание №3. (8 баллов) Напишите части тела весёлой обезьянки.

Задание №4. (20 баллов) Распредели слова по группам (первая строчка дана в качестве примера). Затем добавь своё слово к каждой группе в ячейки со знаком «+».

Banana, hand, windy, lamp, table, carrot, snowy, jump, face, bathroom, read, honey, foot, cold, ski Weather
















Задание №5. (8 баллов) Поставьте глагол  to be в Present Simple.

  1. They … brave and happy.

  2. Lions …wild animals.

  3. My rucksack … very big.

  4. It … winter. It … cold.

  5. My mother … a teacher of Art.

  6. I … from Russia.

  7. What … you doing?

  8. There … 5 flowers on the table.

Задание №6. (8 баллов) Напиши существительные во множественном числе.

  1. hand

  2. sheep

  3. game

  4. child

  5. sister

  6. sandwich

  7. mouse

  8. apple

  1. Задание №7. (5 баллов) Перепиши предложения так, чтобы они звучали в будущем времени.

  1. We have a picnic next weekend.

  2. Children see many animals in the zoo.

  3. I play computer games after school.

  4. My favourite food is sandwiches and porridge. I eat them for breakfast.

  5. I have my birthday on the twenty-second of March.

  1. Задание №8. (7 баллов) Выбери правильный вариант, используя степени сравнения прилагательных:

    1. Lena is … than Mary.
    1. a. funny   b. funniest   c. funnier

    1. 2. That is the … book of all.

    1. a. badest   b. worst   c. worse

    1. 3. Sue’s doll is… than Lulu’s.

    1. a. pretty   b. prettier  c. the prettiest

    1. 4. I think dolphins are … animals.

    1. a. cleverest   b.  clever   c. cleverer

    1. 5. Roy is the … boy in our class.

    1. a. strongest   b. strong  c. stronger

    1. 6. He is … than his brother.

    1. a. kindest   b. kinder  c. kind

    1. 7. Alice is a … girl

    1. a. cleverer   b. clever c. cleverest


  3. Задание №9. (6 баллов) Закончи предложения о себе.

  4. 1) I am … .

  5. 2) I am … .

  6. 3) I am … .

  7. 4) I have … .

  8. 5) I can … .

  9. 6) I like … .

  10. Максимальное количество баллов: 79 баллов

  11. Время на выполнение всех заданий: 90 минут

  12. Бланк для ответов

  13. Ф.И.О. ученика_______________________________________________________________

  14. Ф.И.О. учителя_______________________________________________________________

  15. Школа, класс_________________________________________________________________

  16. ЧТЕНИЕ

  17. Задание №1.

    Задание №2. 13
    1. 14

    1. 15

    1. 16

    1. 17


  19. Задание №3.

    Задание №4. Weather
    1. House

    1. Food

    1. Actions

    1. Body

    1. sunny

    1. bedroom

    1. apple

    1. skate

    1. shoulder

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +


  21. Задание №5.

    Задание №6. (8 баллов)
  22. 1.
    1. 2

    1. 3

    1. 4

    1. 5

    1. 6

    1. 7

    1. 8

  23. Задание № 7 (5 баллов)

    Задание №8. (7 баллов)
    1. Ответы

    1. ЧТЕНИЕ

  24. Задание №1.

    1. 2

    1. 3

    1. 4

    1. 5

    1. 6

    1. +

    1. -

    1. -

    1. -

    1. +

    1. -

  25. 7
    1. Mike is my friend.

    1. 8

    1. He has many pets at home.

    1. 9

    1. They like to eat milk and fish.

    1. 10

    1. The black cat`s name is Dolly.

    1. 11

    1. He comes home from school at 2 o`clock.

    1. 12

    1. They run and play with a ball.

  26. Задание №2.

    1. 14

    1. 15

    1. 16

    1. 17

    1. d

    1. b

    1. a

    1. c

    1. f


  28. Задание №3.

    1. ear

    1. nose

    1. teeth

    1. foot

    1. eye

    1. shoulder

    1. hand

  29. Задание №4.

    1. House

    1. Food

    1. Actions

    1. Body

    1. sunny

    1. bedroom

    1. apple

    1. skate

    1. shoulder

    1. windy

    1. lamp

    1. banana

    1. jump

    1. hand

    1. snowy

    1. table

    1. carrot

    1. read

    1. face

    1. cold

    1. bathroom

    1. honey

    1. ski

    1. foot

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +


  31. Задание №5 (8 баллов)

    1. are

    1. is

    1. is, is

    1. is

    1. am

    1. are

    1. are

  32. Задание №6. (8 баллов)

  33. 1.
    1. hands

    1. 5

    1. sisters

    1. 2

    1. sheep

    1. 6

    1. sandwiches

    1. 3

    1. games

    1. 7

    1. mice

    1. 4

    1. children

    1. 8

    1. apples

  34. Задание № 7 (5 баллов)

    We will have a picnic next weekend.
    1. Children will see many animals in the zoo.

    1. I will play computer games after school.

    1. My favourite food is sandwiches and porridge. I will eat them for breakfast.

    1. I will have my birthday on the twenty-second of March.

  35. Задание №8. (7 баллов) Выбери правильный вариант использования степени сравнения прилагательных:

    1. b

    1. b

    1. b

    1. a

    1. b

    1. b


Тренировочные задания по английскому языку для 4 класса

Choose the right answer

  1. We are … tickets now.

  1. buy b) bought c) buying

  1. Tomorrow he … go to Paris.

  1. does b) will c) is

  1. …. did they travel about? About France.

  1. When b) Where c) Why

  1. My friends often spend holidays abroad, …?

  1. doesn’t they b) don’t they c) aren’t they

  1. Trains are … than buses I think.

  1. comfortabler b) more comfortable c) comfortable

  1. Birds come back from warm countries … spring.

  1. in b) on c) at

  1. Look at my flat. …flat is big and nice.

  1. a b) the c) –

  1. I’ve bought two … . They are nice.

  1. fish b) fishes c) fishs

  1. … he gone to England?

  1. Does b) Has c) Is

  1. He ate … soup for dinner.

  1. many b) a c) much

  1. Do you have … sweets?

  1. any b) some c) a

  1. There isn’t … money in my purse.

  1. some b) much c) many

  1. … he play hockey yesterday?

  1. Does b)Did c)Is

  1. She will come … .

  1. soon b)every day c)now

  1. They are … TV at the moment.

  1. watch b)watching c)watched

  1. My friends … play the piano.

  1. doesn’t b) aren’t c)don’t

  1. Dogs are … than cats, I think.

  1. big b)bigger c)biggest

  1. What … beautiful dress!

  1. a b)the c)---

  1. He is the … boy in our class.

  1. clever b)cleverer c) cleverest

  1. There … apples on the table. Mum took them.

  1. were b)are c) is

  1. Have you got a brother or a sister?

  2. What is your favourite animal?

  3. What furniture have you got in your room?

  4. How often do you have English?

  5. Have you ever flown by plane?

  6. What do you want to be?

  7. Who do you usually go to school with?

  8. What is your favourite subject?

  9. Where do you usually have P.E.?

  10. Have you ever been to the seaside?

  11. What can your pet do?

  12. What is your surname?

  13. When do you go to bed?

  14. When is your birthday?

  15. Can you ride a horse?

  16. What sport are you good at?

  17. Where did your family travel last summer?

  18. Do you like school and why?

  19. What is your favourite transport and why?

  20. What colour is your dad’s car?

1 variant


lives, is, is having, goes, starts

Mary (1) ………….. in London. She (2) …………….. a secretary. She (3) ………………. work at 9 o’clock and she (4) ……………..… home at 5 o’clock. Now Mary (5) ………………….. breakfast .


Last year we (1) ………..… a new house. It (2) ……………… very big and comfortable. There (3) ……………… two floors in it. My mum (4) ………… a book in the sitting room now. She (5) …………… this room very much. She always (6) ………… much time in it. Tomorrow we (7) ………… our granny. She (8) ……….. not far from our house.


is putting, built, is, has bought, has, have seen, have brought

Last month we ………….. a new house. I ……….… never such a beautiful house. It ………….. very large and comfortable. It ……….… many rooms. We ………….… already all our things from the old flat. My mother………….… just a new carpet. She ………….. the carpet on the floor now.

Choose the right answer

  1. We are … tickets now.

  1. buy b) bought c) buying

  1. Tomorrow he … go to Paris.

  1. does b) will c) is

  1. …. did they travel about? About France.

  1. When b) Where c) Why

  1. My friends often spend holidays abroad, …?

  1. doesn’t they b) don’t they c) aren’t they

  1. Trains are … than buses I think.

  1. comfortabler b) more comfortable c) comfortable

  1. Birds come back from warm countries … spring.

  1. in b) on c) at

  1. Look at my flat. …flat is big and nice.

  1. a b) the c) –

  1. I’ve bought two … . They are nice.

  1. fish b) fishes c) fishs

  1. … he gone to England?

  1. Does b) Has c) Is

  1. He ate … soup for dinner.

  1. many b) a c) much

  1. Do you have … sweets?

  1. any b) some c) a

  1. There isn’t … money in my purse.

  1. some b) much c) many

  1. … he play hockey yesterday?

  1. Does b)Did c)Is

  1. She will come … .

  1. soon b)every day c)now

  1. They are … TV at the moment.

  1. watch b)watching c)watched

  1. My friends … play the piano.

  1. doesn’t b) aren’t c)don’t

  1. Dogs are … than cats, I think.

  1. big b)bigger c)biggest

  1. What … beautiful dress!

  1. a b)the c)---

  1. He is the … boy in our class.

  1. clever b)cleverer c) cleverest

  1. There … apples on the table. Mum took them.

  1. were b)are c) is

  1. Have you got a brother or a sister?

  2. What is your favourite animal?

  3. What furniture have you got in your room?

  4. How often do you have English?

  5. Have you ever flown by plane?

  6. What do you want to be?

  7. Who do you usually go to school with?

  8. What is your favourite subject?

  9. Where do you usually have P.E.?

  10. Have you ever been to the seaside?

  11. What can your pet do?

  12. What is your surname?

  13. When do you go to bed?

  14. When is your birthday?

  15. Can you ride a horse?

  16. What sport are you good at?

  17. Where did your family travel last summer?

  18. Do you like school and why?

  19. What is your favourite transport and why?

  20. What colour is your dad’s car?

2 variant


live, be, have, go, start

Mary (1) …………… in London. She (2) ………………. a secretary. She (3) ………………. work at 9 o’clock and she (4) …………..… home at 5 o’clock. Now Mary (5) ……………………. breakfast .


Last year we (1) ………….. a new house. It (2) …………. very big and comfortable. There (3) ………….. two floors in it. My mum (4) …………… a book in the sitting room now. She (5) ……….. this room very much. She always (6) ……………. much time in it. Tomorrow we (7) ……………. our granny. She (8) ……………. not far from our house.


put, build, be, buy, have, see, bring

Last month we ……….… a new house. I ………….. never such a beautiful house. It ………..… very large and comfortable. It ………..… many rooms. We ………… already all our things from the old flat. My mother……………… just a new carpet. She …………..… the carpet on the floor now.


Тесты по Английскому языку для 4 класса

Тесты по "Английскому языку" для 4 класса

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Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

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Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

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Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 11.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 11.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 7.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 7.9.2018

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Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для учащихся 4 класса

Муниципальный тур олимпиады по английскому языку

4 класс 2017 год

Ф.И.О. учащегося _____________________________________________ Класс_______________

Ф.И.О. учителя_____________________________________________________


1. Ты два раза услышишь рассказ Мэг о своей семье. Определи, верны ли следующие высказывания. Поставь «+» или «-» рядом с каждым высказыванием.

1 БАЛЛ за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 5 БАЛЛОВ).

1) Meg has got a small family. ____

2) Her sister’s name is Becky. ____

3) Her dad likes watching stars on Saturdays and Sundays. _____

4) Meg’s grandmother likes playing puzzles._____

5) Meg likes making toys for her brother. ______

2. Найди слова, в которых нет следующих звуков:

0,5 БАЛЛА за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 2 БАЛЛА).

1. [ʧ] cheese, kitchen, sheep, chair

2. [a:] car, farm, garden, fair

3. [ɜ:] for, bird, her, circus

4. [ʌ] funny, pupil, up, country

3. Распредели слова по следующим категориям:

0,5 БАЛЛА за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 5 БАЛЛОВ).

rice, pen, father, shelf, head, puppet, eggs, cow, rubber, train.

1. school: _________________________________________

2. family: _________________________________________

3. food and drinks: __________________________________

4. toys: ___________________________________________

5. home: __________________________________________

6. animals:_________________________________________

7. body: ___________________________________________

4. Найди слова с противоположным значением!

0,5 БАЛЛ за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 2 БАЛЛА).

1 hot a) sad

2 sunny b) bad

3 big c) cold

4 happy d) rainy

5 good e) small

Образец: 1с) (hot – cold)

2 ______________________

3 ______________________

4 ______________________

5 ______________________

5. Прочитай зашифрованное предложение, запиши ответ.

1 БАЛЛ за правильно выполненное задание



6. Выбери нужное слово и подчеркни его.

1 БАЛЛ за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 12 БАЛЛОВ).

My name is/are Zhenya. I am/have got in Year 4 now. I am/have got a new school bag. There is/are a new pencil case in it and there is/are new books too. And we has/have got a new teacher! She/Her name is Anna Olegovna. She is very kind. She has got/is thin and she have/has got fair hair and green eyes. We like her and she like/likes us. I’ve got any/some new friends too. We playing/play games after school. It’s fun!

7. Запиши слово по его транскрипции.

1 БАЛЛ за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 8 БАЛЛОВ).


The [sku:l] ___________ dance is [greɪt] ____________ . All the children [laɪk] __________ it very [mʌtʃ] ____________ . Helen dances with [nɪk] __________ . Ben is a [bæd] ________ dancer. He stepps on Nina’s [fi:t] __________ all the [taɪm] ___________ .

8. Прочитай текст и обведи правильный ответ: T (True), если это соответствует тексту, F (False), если не соответствует.

1 БАЛЛ за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 6 БАЛЛОВ).

Warren is from New York, the USA. He’s got a big family: a mother, a father, two brothers and one sister. They all live in a big house. There’s a garden in front of the house with apple trees and flowers. There 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a playroom and 3 bathrooms in their house.

Every morning all the children get up at 7 o’clock, take a shower, have breakfast, put on their uniform and go to school on a school bus. They come home in the afternoon, have lunch and do their homework.

In the evening they watch a video or TV and listen to music. They have supper at 7 pm and go to bed at 10 pm.

On Saturdays and Sundays the children help their mum and dad about the house, visit their friends, read books and play games.

They like to be together!

1. Warren’s sister has got three brothers.

A) True B) False

2. There’s a garden behind the house.

A) True B) False

3. Warren’s brothers go to school on a school bus.

A) True B) False

4. The children do their homework after lunch.

A) True B) False

5. The children listen to music at eleven pm.

A) True B) False

6. At the weekend the children help their parents about the house.

A) True B) False

9. Подбери к каждой стране её столицу!

1 БАЛЛ за каждый правильный ответ (Всего – 4 БАЛЛА).

1. Canada London

2. Australia Washington

3. the USA Ottawa

4. Britain Canberra

1. Canada - ___________________

2. Australia - __________________

3. the USA - __________________

4. Britain - ___________________

10. Прочитай письмо, полученное от нового друга по переписке.

Dear friend,

My name is Wendy. I live in London, England. I am twelve years old. My birthday is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I haven't got any sisters or brothers. I go to Hillside School. My school is great but it isn’t very big. I’m in class 1a. There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class? My favourite subjects are English and Music. I don’t like Maths because I’m not very good at it. What’s your favourite subject? I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance quite well. What about you?

I hope to hear from you soon.



Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.

5 БАЛЛОВ за правильно выполненное задание

Dear ______________

It was great to get your letter.

My name _______________________________________________________

I live in ________________________________________________________

I am _____________________________________________________________

I live with __________________________________________________________

I _________________________________________________ friends in my class.

My favourite school subject __________________________________________

In my free time___________________________________________________

I can __________________________________________________________




олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 4 класса

Олимпиадные задания  по английскому языку для 4 класса направлены на расширение знаний учащихся как страноведческого, так и лексико-грамматического материала. а также развитие умений и навыков всех типов : аудирования, говорения, письма и т.д. ...

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Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для учащихся 4 класса (КМО)

1. Поставьте глагол  to be в Present Simple.

  1. They … brave and happy.

  2. Lions …wild animals.

  3. My rucksack … very big.

  4. It … winter. It … cold.

  5. My mother … a teacher of Art.

  6. I … from Russia.

  7. What … you doing?

  8. There … 5 flowers on the table.

(8 points)

2. Поставьте предлоги  on, under, in, near.

(4 points)

3. Напишите части тела весёлого монстра: eye, ear, nose,  leg, arm, hand, mouth.

(7 points)

4. Прочитайте текст и отметьте правильные предложения

I’ve got a friend. His name is Mike. He is eleven. He is from Great Britain. He likes fishing in summer and skating in winter. He is brave and always ready to help. Mike is a pupil. His favourite subjects are Maths, Nature Study, Art and English. He can do sums, sing English songs and draw. Mike helps his mother and father after school.

1.  His name is…

a) Ann   b) Bob  c) Mike d) Lucy

2.  I’ve got …

a) a dog b) a sisterc) a bookd) a friend

3.  He likes … in summer.

a) reading books  b) fishing   c)  watching TV d) skating

4. His favourite subjects are …

a) Maths, Nature Study, Art, Englishb) Maths, Nature Studyc) Sport, Russian, Englishd) Maths, Nature Study, Art

5.  Mike helps  his…..

a) friends   b) mother  c) mother and father d) sisters

(5 points)

5. Прослушайте текст и подберите ответы

All the boys and the girls in Willie’s school love sports. In summer they go swimming and cycling and play baseball. In winter  they go skating or skiing. The boys like playing hockey. His favourite game is chess. He goes to the chess club every week.  He also likes painting pictures and watching video films.

  1. Willie likes … (sport, books, his family)

  2. He goes swimming in … (winter, autumn, summer)

  3. Chess is his … (favourite game, favourite friend, favourite film)

  4. He doesn’t like painting, does he? (yes, no)  

(4 points)



олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 4 класса

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку


I.Вставь am, is, are

My shoes_ very dirty

My bed_ very comfortable

I _ not very happy today

The houses in this street _ very old.

II.Выбери правильный ответ

1._______ films are bad

a) That b) this c) these

2.My Granny ______make cakes every day.

a)do not b)is not c)does not

3.________have got a big dog.

a)Orlovs b)The Orlovs* c)The Orlovs

4.The white shirt________is than the black shirt.

a) good b)better c)the best

5. _________go shopping today?

a)Is she b)She must c)Must she

6.Ted must________his little sister

a)help b)helps c)to help

III. Образуй множественное число следующих существительных

a country,a mouse,a women,a story,a toy, a sheep, a tooth

a boy

IV.Преобразуй данные предложения в отрицательные

1.They will wear raincoats.__________________________________________.

2.There was something in the basket.___________________________________.

3.He does his homework at 5 o*clock.___________________________________.

4.The dog likes milk._________________________________________________.

5.Tom has got two brothers.___________________________________________.

6.She taught somebody._______________________________________________.

V.Напиши значения следующих слов по-английски

Время года, любимый, цветок, каникулы, овощи, фрукт, листья, осень

VI. Задай общие вопросы

1._______he go to the stadium last week?

2._______he got a new game?

3._______he in London last year?

4._______there ten chairs in the room now?

5._______you go to school yesterday?

6._______you go to school every day?
